The Atheist Activist

Defending freedom from Christian Nationalism

Taking Action

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Traditionally, atheists are known for thinking and debating.

The problem is that while we’ve been thinking and talking and refining our arguments, right wing religious zealots have been organizing and taking action. They have begun to dismantle the architecture of American democracy in order to replace it with a harsh, archaic theocracy.

The extremist devotees of Christian Nationalism are taking over government positions, from local school boards to the Supreme Court of the United States. Now, they’re beginning to discuss dragging the country into another civil war.

We believe in democracy, and we’re not going to follow Christian extremists down the road into violence.

Nonetheless, it’s clear that talking alone won’t be enough. The time has come for atheists to take concrete action to organize in support of freedom in the USA.

Activist American flag open hand
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