The Atheist Activist

Defending freedom from Christian Nationalism

Month: May 2024

An Appeal To Humanity

The New York Times reports that US Supreme Court Justice Samuel Alito flew the Appeal To Heaven flag outside his home, apparently for months. Alito displayed the flag after Christian Nationalist supporters of Donald Trump carried the symbol with them as they violently attacked the US Capitol building during the insurrection of January 6, 2021. […]

Religious Indoctrination Ended at Public Elementary School in Florida

The Fellowship of Christian Athletes at Hamilton County Elementary School in Florida was using government resources to take away time from educational instruction in order to hold Christian rituals to convert young children.

Demonic Conspiracy Theories Can Be A Form Of Political Abuse

In the United States, it’s becoming commonplace to hear right wing Christian Nationalists accuse Democratic Party leaders, and even rank-and-file Democratic voters, of being controlled by demons. There’s even a shorthand for this idea, the label Demoncrat. In 2022, a team of psychotherapists warned in a paper in the Journal of Child Sexual Abuse that […]

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