The Atheist Activist

Defending freedom from Christian Nationalism

Actor Brian Cox Slams Bible

actor Brian Cox

Actor Brian Cox, who is most recently known as the patriarch of a right wing media empire in the TV show Succession, declared on a podcast a few days ago that “The Bible is one of the worst books ever, for me, from my point of view,” and that “We created that idea of God and we created it as a control issue.”

As for Christians, Cox concludes that “they’re not dealing with who we all are, they’re dealing with well, ‘if God says this and God does that.'”

Christians are not dealing with this criticism well, but then, most Christians haven’t actually read the Bible. If it’s such a good book, how come so many of it’s supposed fans can’t even bring themselves to read it?

Don’t be like Christians when it comes to the Brian Cox interview. Don’t just rely on other people to tell you what it says. Go to the source material yourself. Listen to the Starting Line podcast in which he is interviewed by Rich Leigh.

Actor Brian Cox Slams Bible

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