The Atheist Activist

Defending freedom from Christian Nationalism

Podcast Talks Options for Atheist Activism

This month the Unreasonable podcast discusses options for activism that supports the legal equality of secular Americans. Will Jeudy from Houston, Texas and Devon Graham from Florida talk with the hosts about the progress that can be made just by showing up, even in a red state where Christian Nationalists dominate the political debate.

The Unreasonable podcast describes itself as the initiation of a movement aimed at counteracting the relentless ascent of religious extremism that has infiltrated our governance and personal spheres. From matters concerning public education to women’s reproductive rights and the normalization of overt racism, it’s imperative for those advocating for the separation of religion and government to come together, to unite in defense of democracy, rationality, and compassion.

Listen in, and then take action.

Podcast Talks Options for Atheist Activism

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