The Atheist Activist

Defending freedom from Christian Nationalism

Month: June 2024

Louisiana Uses 10 Commandments To Push Christian Fascism

The Constitution of the United States of America explicitly forbids any legislative act that establishes any religion in the law. That’s the opposite of the intention of the Ten Commandments, which aims to force people into religious worship.

Christian Doesn’t Take Her Son To Church, Wants Public School To Make Space For Christianity Instead

Christa Sullinger of Garrett, Indiana doesn’t want to take her kids to church. She wants public schools to make time for them to have religious indoctrination during the school week instead.

What’s At Stake For US Atheists in 2024

An atheist on Reddit asks, “Besides voting, how can we stop this? If we can’t stop it, how do we survive this?” No thinking atheist needs to ask what “this” is. The Republican Party has become the party of totalitarian Christian Nationalism. Project 2025, a lengthy political plan assembled by the right wing Heritage Foundation, […]

American Atheists Has A Plan For Godless America

The people at American Atheists have been thinking about the future of godless Americans, looking at what needs to change for atheist Americans to achieve legal equality and social acceptance in the United States. Today, they announced that they have a plan. The plan boils down to this:

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