The Atheist Activist

Defending freedom from Christian Nationalism

May 4 Is National Day Of Reason In The USA

US Congress

United States Representative Jamie Raskin has introduced a resolution in the US House of Representatives declaring May 4 to be a National Day of Reason. Other sponsors of the legislation are:

Christian Nationalist Speaker of the House Mike Johnson has decided not to support the legislation because, apparently, the use of reason is offensive to Christian Nationalists.

The resolution reads:

Whereas the application of reason has been the essential precondition for humanity’s extraordinary scientific, medical, technological, and social progress since before the founding of our country;

Whereas reason provides vital hope today for confronting the environmental crises of our day, including the civilizational emergency of climate change; for advancing civil liberties for all, including the rights of LGBTQIA+ individuals and access to all reproductive healthcare such as in-vitro fertilization, contraception, and abortion; and for cultivating the rule of law, democratic institutions, justice, and peace among nations;

Whereas America’s Founders insisted upon the primacy of reason and knowledge in public life, and drafted the Constitution to prevent official establishment of religion and to protect freedom of thought, speech and inquiry in civil society;

Whereas James Madison, author of the First Amendment and fourth President of the United States, stated that ‘‘The advancement and diffusion of knowledge is the only guardian of true liberty’’, and ‘‘Knowledge will forever govern ignorance, and a people who mean to be their own governors, must arm themselves with the power knowledge gives’’; and

Whereas, May 4, 2024, would be an appropriate date to designate as a ‘‘National Day of Reason’’: Now, therefore, be it Resolved, That the House of Representatives—  (1) supports the designation of a ‘‘National Day of Reason’’;

and (2) encourages all citizens, residents, and visitors to join in observing this day and focusing on the central importance of reason, critical thought, the scientific method, and free inquiry to resolving social problems and promoting the welfare of humankind. 

May 4 Is National Day Of Reason In The USA

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