The Atheist Activist

Defending freedom from Christian Nationalism

What’s At Stake For US Atheists in 2024

An atheist on Reddit asks, “Besides voting, how can we stop this? If we can’t stop it, how do we survive this?”

No thinking atheist needs to ask what “this” is.

The Republican Party has become the party of totalitarian Christian Nationalism. Project 2025, a lengthy political plan assembled by the right wing Heritage Foundation, describes a plan to replace liberty in the United States with the right to obey Christian churches.

“They want Christian sharia laws,” another atheist comments, “It’s out in the open now, so the only option is for every competent, eligible voter to ensure it can’t happen by voting their lying, racist, sexist, misogynistic supporters out of office.”

Unfortunately, voting won’t be enough. Democratic action is rightly focused on Election Day, but what happens on Election Day is determined by the political organizing that takes place before then.

What’s at stake is nothing less than our freedom to remain independent from Christian control.

“We must do more to meet the challenges of today because the stakes have never been higher. The ideological divide in our country is reaching a tipping point. Threats and acts of political violence are on the rise. Trust in public institutions is at an all-time low. Misinformation is rampant. People, including those in positions of great power, are abandoning the very notion of democracy in favor of theocracy. The wall between religion and government is crumbling, and all of this is happening now and happening fast.”

Jen Scott, Board Chair, American Atheists
What’s At Stake For US Atheists in 2024

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