The Atheist Activist

Defending freedom from Christian Nationalism


What’s At Stake For US Atheists in 2024

An atheist on Reddit asks, “Besides voting, how can we stop this? If we can’t stop it, how do we survive this?” No thinking atheist needs to ask what “this” is. The Republican Party has become the party of totalitarian Christian Nationalism. Project 2025, a lengthy political plan assembled by the right wing Heritage Foundation, […]

Governor Claims Oklahoma Belongs To Jesus

On the whole, Christian Nationalism had a terrible showing in the midterm elections of 2022. There were some Christian Nationalist victories, with the re-election of Marjorie Taylor Greene, for example, but the most extreme Christian Nationalist candidates, like Kari Lake, Blake Masters, and Doug Mastriano, lost their elections to their Democratic rivals. In spite of […]

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